Book your airfare with 518 Airlines

Buy your airfare at the best prices.

Jetstar Asia
Singapura . Singapore . Singapore
Cambodia Angkor Air
Phnom Penh . Phnom Penh . Cambodia
IndiGo Airlines
Gurgaon . Haryana . India
Eva Air
Luzhu . Taoyuan . Taiwan
China Eastern Airlines
Xangai . Shanghai . China
Alaska Airlines
Seattle . Washington . USA
Bering Air
Alaska Peninsula Nwr . Alasca . USA
Senegal Airlines
Dakar . Dakar . Senegal
Nassau . Nassau . Bahamas
Blue Islands airline
Jersey Channel Islands . Ilhas do Canal . United Kingdom
Druk Air - Royal Buthan Airlines
Paro . Paro . Bhutan
St John´s . Antigua . Antigua & Barbuda
Aegean Airlines
Atenas . Attica . Greece
Joy Air
Xianyang . Shaanxi . China
Zimex Aviation
Glattbrugg . Zurich . Switzerland
United Airlines
Chicago . Ilinóis . USA

Why to book with ROTAS TURISTICAS
The best prices
Our partnerships with the world´s largest operators offer research on the best market prices.
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At Rotas Turisticos you can book the hotel, buy the air ticket, book the transfer from the airport to the hotel and vice versa, book the local excursions, rent the car, take travel insurance and consult the places to visit and where to go.
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